A review by labunnywtf
This Star Won't Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl by Lori Earl, Wayne Earl, Esther Earl


Deathly combination:

1. Read [b:The Fault in Our Stars|11870085|The Fault in Our Stars|John Green|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1360206420s/11870085.jpg|16827462]. Possibly several times, including two different audiobooks. Warning: Only attempt this if you're a glutton for pain.
2. Start this book.
3. Pause to look up Esther's Youtube account. Find related videos re: Esther by John Green.
4. Cry at work where you're not allowed to be reading anyway.

Optional 5. Have your own amazing group of online friends. Project heavily onto this group of friends.

Seriously, there was snot. There was whimpering. Though this, blessedly, was in my car at lunch where no one could hear me.

I finished the book with my back to my desk and the rest of the room. So much snot.

I'm not a Nerdfighter. I think I'm too old to even be considered. I am a fan of Nerdfighters, though. I'm a fan of John Green the author, and an occasional vlogbrothers watcher.

I kind of love them even harder after this.

And what's interesting is, the parts that Esther herself wrote didn't make me cry. Esther was fantastic. So alive, so bubbly. Even at her worst moments, so thoughtful, so intelligent. It's heart breaking, losing her.

Her friends and family, however. I blame all of you for the snot and you should be ashamed of yourselves for making me a blubbery ball of tears. Shame!

Seriously, this is lovely. Very sweet and very lovely.