A review by optimaggie
This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from Around the World by Matt Lamothe


I read this to my son first a couple of years ago and we found it interesting. This time, as a companion to our country studies, it was even more enjoyable as we were able to make connections to other things we have learned about. The most interesting part to me is always the supper time and the serving of caffeinated beverages to children. I wouldn't serve coffee or tea to my child in the evening and I wouldn't (at least not outside of an isolated incident) serve my child supper at nine or ten o'clock at night. But, this is normal for some children in some parts of the world. It shows how different cultural and family norms can be. I also wouldn't ever serve fish for breakfast, something that is totally normal for millions of children around the world. We love the photos at the back of the book of the actual children and their families, I just wish there were more photos.