A review by squid7000
Red Hood and the Outlaws, Volume 1: Redemption by Scott Lobdell


3.5 stars maybe? I know a lot of people don't like this book, and I totally get the reasons they don't. I think there are a lot of issues, particularly surrounding the politics of Starfire. I really, really like that she's so confident in her sexuality -- and think any criticism that gets slutshamey about her is hella gross -- but I also think that a lot of it stems from male titillation, rather than honest to goodness respect of women. Most of the art in this book is beautiful, but sometimes the way Starfire is drawn is just like -- ok. She's a hot girl who doesn't wear a lot of clothes. Got it. There are some character issue for Jay and Roy as well, but it's not as annoying to me for obvious reasons.

That being said, I do think this is a really fun book. I love the dynamic between the three of them and wish we could have even more depth to that relationship. The art is really pretty. There are a lot of sweet and sad moments and in the New 52, I try to find joy where I can.