A review by bookedandbusybookblog
Once Upon a Wild Fling by Lauren Blakely


Every single book in this series has been an absolute joy to read and Once Upon a Wild Fling is no exception! A single dad story that had a different type of twist? Yes, please!

Miles is a hot, sexy single dad that made me swoon with every interaction with his son! Add in Roxy who grabbed life by the balls and is creating her own future, just the way she wants it? Sign me up! I absolutely fell head over heels for the two of the separately but when they came together? Lauren Blakely created pure magic! The slow burn, the chemistry, the banter...whew!! Miles and Roxy were MADE for each other!

Each book in this series has shown how family is so much more than blood, it’s who stands with you through it all. I thoroughly enjoyed every single book in this series and I’m truly sad to see it end!