A review by scheu
The Gods of Gotham by Lyndsay Faye


I am not a mystery reader, so under normal circumstances I would not have picked this up. I heard Lynsday Faye on NPR talking about 'Three Books You Must Read' and much to my surprise they were all fantastic books I worship. I didn't know what to expect, but I enjoy well-researched historical fiction and I really liked (the first two of) Caleb Carr's books, so there I went.

I am still not a mystery reader. I don't care who did it, or why they did it; I'm always more interested in the characters and the world and the bits in-between. Faye is deft with all three. She made me pick up a copy of Gotham (the nonfiction), actually PAY for it too, because it's much too large to finish over the course of even a few library renewals. She made me nose around her blog and copy her cocktail recipes. She did not make me drive past her house, I'm happy to say.

I will read the next Wilde book, though, if only to see if things get better for everyone.