A review by imme_van_gorp
Mature Content by Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell


This book was absolutely scorching hot with mind blowing chemistry.
No joke, this book is hot. And by that I mean the really good kind of hot where the plot is not just sex, but when you do get those scenes, they're pretty god damn amazing.
Fortunately, rather than only sexual interactions, this book also has really good characters with an interesting plotline.

I liked the premise of both love-interests being popular YouTubers who cannot stand each other, and honestly, I was pretty much immediately hooked when I started reading this.
Zane and Beau have off the charts chemistry and the tension between them was downright palpable. They appear to have very opposite personalities, but that only enhances their banter and they even end up being very similar in certain unexpected areas.
Besides all this the pacing is also super pleasant and I just really enjoyed myself with this novel.

Although this might seem slightly insignificant in the grand scheme of things concerning this book, I do want to have a little rant about something:
There's one thing I really didn’t like about this book and that was how all the blame was consistently put on Beau. Zane definitely wasn’t a saint himself and was equally to blame for a lot of stuff between them, if not way more. Somehow, that just always got ignored and it kind of pissed me off.
This undeserved blame-game especially became a problem for me with the final conflict between Beau and Zane: in my opinion, Beau once again genuinely didn’t do much wrong, while Zane did everything wrong. He randomly broke every rule they had set up together (like keeping their relationship a secret) and when Beau didn’t immediately agree with what was being sprung on him, Zane flips out and really goes out of his way to fuck everything up for Beau.
Nonetheless, everyone gangs up on Beau after this fiasco and he ends up being the one who has to grovel. I would have loved it if the big climax had involved Zane finally grovelling instead. That would have been far more appropriate and deserved. If that had happened I wouldn’t have felt so exasperated, indignant and irritated at the end, which is genuinely such a shame because I fucking LOVED this book apart from this “constantly blaming the wrong guy” aspect.

So, I have one thing I did not like about this novel and all the rest is pretty much amazing. I was in love with the beginning of this book and I kept loving it right up until a little bit before the end. The first half might have been way better, but the second half was still really good. 

Anyway, long story short, this is a really great book and it's a complete joy to read. I would recommend it to almost anyone unless maybe if you're like super squeamish about certain kinks in the bedroom.