A review by peggyemi
A Story to Kill by Lynn Cahoon


This was a terrific book. I read the entire thing in one day. This book has wonderful characters. I felt that the characters were well written and very dimensional. They jumped out from the page and I instantly liked the main character. Cat Latimer is a strong, independent woman. Although she is returning to the home she shared with her now deceased ex-husband, she is determined to make a go of her new writers retreat venture with her best friend Shauna. I liked Shauna as well. She is a terrific friend in all the ways that count to Cat. The writers attending the retreat and Cat's Uncle Pete round out the cast and prove to be very interesting in their own right.

I thought the mystery was well done. The author provided the reader with many good suspects, a lot of clues, twists and turns and a couple of minor mysteries, one of which is connected to the murder of the famous writer attending the retreat. I thought the author did a fantastic job of weaving all of the clues throughout the story along with some red herrings to throw the reader off the trail. While the culprit is not a surprise, I thought Ms. Cahoon did a great job of tying up the loose ends as to motive for this suspect. There was one minor mystery that was not tied up at the end of this book, but I wouldn't call it a cliffhanger. I can see this mystery unfolding over the course of the next few books as it weavers it way into Cat's next adventures.

There is a bit of romance thrown in as well, as Cat reconnects with her high school boyfriend and the sparks are still there. I don't think the romance in any way overpowered the mystery and was well written into the plot.

I was provided an ARC of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review. This did not influence my opinion as the thoughts expressed are my own.