A review by eleellis
Pendulum by Adam Hamdy


Well, others might enjoy this novel, but it wasn't quite to my own personal liking.

It does not give anything away to describe the novel is about a haunted, photo-journalist that wakes up only to find he is being murdered by means of a fabricated suicide. His protagonist is a dressed in black, body armor/goggle-eyed mask wearing villain, seemingly as unstoppable as a Terminator assassin from the movies.

The rest of the plot deals with the main character trying to stay one step ahead of the killer, while trying to get others to believe someone actually tried to kill him by faking his suicide.

The book felt too wordy and when it comes to books of action, my own preference is to read books where ordeals thrust upon characters are believably possible (this is one reason why James Bond movies are not my first choice - I like to have characters put through realistic and believable hurdles, rather than the impossible).

Others may enjoy this book and should not take this review as a reason to avoid this novel. Others might find it very enjoyable. It just wasn't for me.....