A review by cathiedalziel
You Should Have Known by Jean Hanff Korelitz


This was pretty good, aside from the fact that the Main Character really bugged me; call it a personality clash between her and me. However the writing and storyline are good, and I don't need to love a character in order to be able to say that a book is a good read.

It did stop me from giving it a 5 star review though...hmmm.
Spoiler What is up with Grace and her hangups about people's necks and throats??? And why was she so disengaged in her husband's life that she didn't know or remember when he was suppose to be home from a conference, etc.)

The Main Character, Grace, is a therapist who has just written a book entitled "You Should Have Known", which tells people that they should have seen it coming, that their marriage/relationships were doomed from the start because we overlook the obvious for the chance of love. The things that we don't question, the traits in our partners we decide to ignore at the beginning of a relationships are the very same things that will cause the downfall of the relationship.

Karma is a bitch, when Grace discovers the very same can be said of her own marriage. The stories/ history she didn't check out when she first fell in love with her husband comes to bite her on her pompous ass as her life and marriage begin to unravel at an alarming rate.

It's a good read. What are you overlooking?