A review by wart
The Dark Victorian: Risen Volume One by Elizabeth Watasin


Read this and other reviews at Things I Find While Shelving

I received a free ARC via NetGalley

I suppose that “very cool” is not considered an adequate review, so I will attempt to be articulate.

I found this book absolutely fascinating. This is set in a Victorian London with a twist: ghouls and ghosts and state approved reanimation of the dead fighting unapproved and criminal activities of the supernatural kind. The people who are reanimated for the fighting of crime purposes were criminals, but they reawaken without a full knowledge of who they were in life.

Risen focuses on Artifice - a semi-solid ghost type person - and her partner, the crazy time traveling skull of sassiness, Jim Dastard - who’s gone through more partners already than he likes to count. Art was a Quaker in life, and, oddly, remained so when awakened. Jim is, as I said, a sassy bastard animated skull, and oh so entertaining.

The two of them are seeking a resurrectionist who is using ghosts to commit murder.

The world is intriguing, the characters are fantastic, and I hope to soon read more in this world!