A review by xanthe
From The Stars by D.S. Murphy, Holly Hook, Pamela Stewart, Melissa A. Craven, Raquel Lyon, Norma Hinkens, Lindsey R. Loucks, S.E. Anderson, Everly Frost, Jennifer Brody, Krista Street, Elle Scott, David R. Bernstein, Jenetta Penner


I am usually pretty terrible at reading and finishing short story collections, only getting through one or two at a time and then setting them aside for a little while. That being said, I did really enjoy what I’ve read of this one, especially “Planetstrong” by Pamela Stewart, which is packed with action and boasting a kick-ass teenager heroine who saves the butts of everyone else in her platoon (battalion?) on a strange planet, while trying her best to avoid getting dragged into the restarting of hostilities in a galactic war. It’s fast-paced, peppy, and satisfying, giving me a jolt of energy and fun, plus a hint of romance and the introduction an interesting new creature as a friend and ally for our heroine. I loved it.