A review by jbrooxd
The Body Under the Piano by Marthe Jocelyn


[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Fun, twisty mystery for older middle grade readers (10+). I loved the author's note at the end that showed how she tied the character of Aggie to Agatha Christie. Kid's mysteries tend to focus on crimes - theft, kidnapping, etc. - but don't often go as far as murder. This one does, although I didn't find it to be graphic in any way other than the fact that a character is killed (poison) and another is assaulted.

The setting of the story - early 1900s, England - led to some interesting moments regarding women's rights and immigrants that I thought added some nice nuances to the story and the characters. I loved the characters in this and I can't wait to read what Aggie and Hector get into next!