A review by nyxiabel
The Good Hawk by Joseph Elliott


2.5 stars

I'm sorry, I think this one just wasn't for me. It wasn't a bad book I don't think, but I just didn't connect with it and have no desire to continue with the series. There seem to be plenty of others who have enjoyed this so please don't be put off by me!

There were a range of interesting elements present in the book:
- Agatha being able to talk to animals inside her head
- True history being weaved into the fantasy
- A down-syndrome narrator (I have never experienced that before!)
But even having read this book now, I'm still not sure what this trilogy is going to be about. I'm not sure the book even knows what it wants to focus on.

Reading from Agatha's perspective was probably the highlight of the book. Her chapters were my favourite and I enjoyed how they were written uniquely. Other than her, I honestly couldn't tell the characters apart. Nobody seemed to have any distinct voice and everything blurred together. This rolled over into conflicts too. Conflicts did not seem to have high stakes at all and the book stayed at one note without any real sense of climax. I did enjoy Nathara's intermittent chapters but was ultimately disappointed in the resolution of her storyline.

I received this book from Harper Collins NZ in exchange for an honest review