A review by mawmom
A Tale of Two Djinns by Mina Khan


A Tale of Two Djinns is a Romeo and Juliet meets the Djinn fantasy world of Mina Khan.
Being a fairly short novel at around 150 pages we get a wonderful story but not a huge amount of background.
Shay is the oldest son of the King of the earth djinn and Maya is a lesser princess of the water djinn, the Earth and Water djinn have been at war for many years causing problems in both kingdoms. When Shay and Maya meet up at a bar in the Earth realm neither knows the others real identity.

This is a well crafted world down to vivid descriptions of battles as well as realms, with lovable characters and enough heat to make for a great weekend read. I absolutely fell in love with Akshay and I love that he not only stands up to his family but is willing to change the direction of his country for his love.
Maya is at times the heroine we want to shake until her teeth rattle but overall she is a strong heroine with guts and intelligence.

I received this book in exchange for my honest review.