A review by rdyourbookcase
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: The Big Lie by Anthony Del Col


Well, there are no words.

Literally. There are no words on some of the pages in the e-galley that I got. One of those pages was crucial to the storyline and I had no idea what was going on! It was a bookish nightmare! I plan on checking out The Big Lie from my library as soon as possible to find out what I missed. Other than the blank spaces, I liked the graphic novel. The mystery and darkness was on an adult level, which was nice, but it still had the nostalgia of the old books that I read as a kid. At first, I wasn’t sure if I liked the art, but it fit the storyline so well that it was fine. The main mystery is solved at the end of the book, but it sets up for the next mystery (very Veronica Mars - love it!) which I am looking forward to reading.