A review by jamietherebelliousreader
Mystery Science Theater 3000 by Joel Hodgson


3 stars. I’m a big, huge, ginormous fan of MST3K. The original run and the Netflix reboot. It’s my favorite show of all time and sparked my love for bad movies. So to say that I was excited about this comic is a gross understatement. I see and can appreciate what Joel was going for but I just don’t think this concept really works in comic form. Or I probably should’ve read these as their individual issues instead of in one go. The plot loses steam and gets really incoherent by the end. The humor was hit or miss but I will say I personally think that Crow’s comics were the best part and had the best riffs. Not to say Jonah and Servo’s weren’t entertaining because they were but Crow’s were superior. I’m not mad I read this and I had fun while reading it for the most part but I’d say just stick to the show.