A review by salimah
The Monsters We Make by Kali White


I was certain that I'd land at the three-star mark with this one through most of the front half and a bit of the back half, when the novel suddenly gained momentum, strength, and became a more efficient, more tautly constructed vehicle for the story.

The Monsters We Make was always at its most effective and excruciating when the writing was with Sammy's POV--how I felt for that tender boy who was so unseen by everyone in his life. There were moments when I considered not finishing, not because the book wasn't compelling enough, but because I could not bear the toll the abuse took on him.

Ultimately, I'm glad I finished, but there are definite trigger warnings to heed here. Though the author is never gratuitous re: descriptions of acts, the allusions to the torment (physical, emotional, psychological) are severe enough.

The ending was, as others have observed, not a categorically happy one though many of our characters are given appropriate relief and closure. The book is all the more effective for it.