A review by whatjamieread
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid


Such a Fun Age legitimately took me by surprise. I’m not actually sure what I expected when I first started this book, but it wasn’t what I ended up getting. I don’t normally die over stories about regular people living regular lives, but something about Emira and her story felt like looking into a mirror.

I think what’s most notable about this book is the way Kiley Reid walks you through uncomfortable situations in a way that makes you feel like you’re present for the action. There were certain scenes during which I felt like I either was Emira or was sitting right next to her. The dialogue was so perfect and believable, that even Alix’s internal monologue (though absolutely ridiculous at times) legitimately read like the thoughts of a well meaning person whose performative activism consumed them to the point of insanity.

I can understand why this might not land with some people. I think the ending could be difficult to accept but to me, that was the only appropriate conclusion for that story and I’m glad that’s how it ended. It was clear to me that Reid wanted the reader to decide whose worse, Alix or Kelley, but in the end, I understood the truth about both characters and felt peace in Emira’s path forward.

I believe this is somewhat of an unpopular opinion, but this was a 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for me. I thought it was poignant and realistic while still retaining a certain level of lightheartedness that made complex issues easy to digest. I absolutely adore Kiley Reid’s writing style and am very much looking forward to what’s to come from her.