A review by teashirts
Escape from "Special" by Miss Lasko-Gross


A quick and easy read despite it's sometimes heavy subject manner, Escape from "Special" contains a series of semi-autobiographical vignettes. The topics are nothing new in the vast world of stories about "weird" kids: a child not fitting in, her parents trying to do what's best (but not always succeeding), and the struggle to become comfortable with oneself. There's not really an ongoing plot, either, so when I finished reading I couldn't help but wonder if there was any real point.

Still, Escape from "Special" is an enjoyable little graphic novel for the reader that's more interested in character and style than plot (as I am). The art style is not what I tend to expect from graphic novels and suits the often confusing and difficult experiences in the lead, Melissa's, life without overwhelming the reader. Melissa herself is also a lovable lead: her little quirks and unique ways of thinking make the book feel very real, not to mention more easy to relate to than your average coming-of-age story.

I'm looking forward to reading the sequel.