A review by jksh5678
Looking for a Cowboy by Donna Grant


This book is the first I’ve read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though it is book 5 in the Heart of Texas series, I had no problems following along. Marlee and Cooper’s story just pulled me in from the very beginning. My heart broke for all Marlee had endured, but I was in awe of her determination to bring her sister’s murder to justice. Ten years ago, Marlee was a cop but after her twin’s murder and her baby taken from her womb, she realized she could do more as a private investigator. She made it her mission to find kidnapped babies and those responsible. Years have gone by and she has done a lot of good, but it has taken a toll on her physically and emotionally, but she does not wane from her mission. Her latest investigation leads her to Clearview, Texas and to Brice and Naomi Harper and her extended family and friends. Even though she is positive she had found the kidnapped boy of one of her clients, things get a bit muddled the more time she spends investigating, especially Cooper Owens. As for Cooper himself, he was fascinated with Marlee from the very first sight, something about her drew her to him.

I was a bit leery going into their story because I knew the secrets Marlee was keeping, but I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Once Cooper found out why Marlee was in town, he and his friends were all on board with Marlee’s mission. The storyline definitely keeps you on your toes, it is fast paced and at times nail biting. The chemistry between Marlee and Cooper is intense and you definitely root for their happily ever after.

Overall, Looking for a Cowboy was a really great read, I am actually very interested in reading the previous books in this series.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. All opinions are my own.