A review by annashiv
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett


Magnifico! Stupendi!

Beautiful and wonderful and touching. I loved the characters and thought it was very well written and presented, and the ending really shook me with how it was done. The epilogue maybe felt a bit off, but I'm willing to forgive it as the rest of the book was wonderful. I didn't want it to end just as those inside didn't want it to end. It could have just gone on and one, and I would have enjoyed it all the same. Alas, it wouldn't be the story it is if it had.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone, though I could see it not being to everyone's tastes.

The one thing I'm not sure of is the author not mentioning Peru. It seems an odd choice. If she didn't want it to be associated with the true events, I think she should have tried to fictionalize a few more aspects of it rather than only retract the name of the country. I looked up an interview she did and she said it was because she thought everyone would have forgotten about it by the time the book came out, which is true, but I don't understand why that would mean you should remove the name of the host country. If anything, I would think it an added reason. I had no idea about the even this is based on, mostly because I was either way too young or hadn't been born yet, but I think she should have committed one way or the other.