A review by tarheeltiff
Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins


This book had all the ingredients to be a book I'd love. Girl next door main character, in love with her long time friend, lots of romantic tension. But dear goodness, did it fall flat. Chastity was supposed to be a strong female, but it was mostly at the expense of other women, or building herself up because of male approval. There were so many characters and storylines that just caused nothing to be developed like it should. Every character, especially one of the love interests, was entirely one-dimensional. The most infuriating part of the book is that the main character, Chastity, she reveled in the blatant misogyny and inappropriate advances of all the men around her. Kristin Higgins promoted cat-calling and sexual harassment as cute and harmless. Just because a woman is not conventionally attractive doesn't mean you can use these cheap tricks to give her self worth because some men hit on her.