A review by tomasthanes
Pocket Apocalypse by Seanan McGuire


This book read like a steam engine racing down the track with the bridge out just around the bend. Either the overheated boiler would explode or we'd run off the end of the bridge. We kept getting closer and closer to the end of the book and more and more problems would surface. Fascinating. It was like driving an F1 race car towards a brick wall, stopping 1/4" of an inch before impact. You feel like the car is still moving and you're just waiting for the impact.

Alex Price and Shelby Tanner return to her home (Queensland, Australia) to assist with an infestation of werewolves (not one of Alex's favorite cryptid species).

There seems to be a reason that Australians are tougher than most people. They live on an isolated continent where everything is trying to kill them. Walk too near the edge of a crocodile-infested billabong and you'll get pulled under water to your death. Take a casual walk through a eucalyptus grove and get bit by a tiger snake (neurotoxins, coagulants, hemolysins and myotoxins).

Alex is out of his comfort zone but Shelby is returning to where she grew up, surfacing a lot of unresolved issues (including the death of her brother Jack).

New continent. New cryptids (Yowie, Garrinna, Dropbears, and Bunyip). A new group of cryptozoologists. Oh, and Alex and Shelby are engaged.

What's not to like. I'm looking forward to Book 5 in the series.