A review by stacialithub
Insurrecto by Gina Apostol


Definitely this book would have been better served had I read it in a couple of sittings that were close together. Life intervened & so it took me awhile to get through it.

Loved the style, the layers, the social/historical/cultural items, the flipping viewpoints. Strong women throughout. Shades of [b:A Moment in the Sun|9785474|A Moment in the Sun|John Sayles|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327876254s/9785474.jpg|14675330] (for the Philippine-American War sections) & [b:Hopscotch|53413|Hopscotch|Julio Cortázar|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1367728486s/53413.jpg|1794732] (for varying orders of reading chapters being an option). And, still very unique & fast-moving, looking at the subjects through different lenses. Funny, sardonic, wrenching.

I feel like I'm not really doing the book justice with my few comments. But, I also feel a bit disjointed since I read it over a long time span & there are so many facets to this novel.