A review by vigneswara_prabhu
Darkseid vs Galactus: The Hunger by John Byrne, John Byrne, Bob Kahan


Rating 3 out of 5 | Grade: B; Clash of the titans-Planetball

The devourer of worlds, has left countless lush life filled systems as dead, desiccated husks, in the cosmic search to satiate his ever gnawing hunger. And now, he sets his sights upon the twin planets of the new gods.


But in Darkseid, he meets an adversary, one who is not cowed by his power or his reputation. One who is willing to throw a billion lives into the cauldron, in a cosmic battle of planetary proportion.

On one side, is Galactus, the being who has lived through the Big bang, and makes happy meals out of planets. And by his side, his loyal herald, the Silver surfer brimming with the power cosmic.


On the other, Darkseid, undisputed tyrant god of Apokalips, whose mere name is enough to bring fear & consternation amongst even the strongest beings of the galaxy. By his side is the entire might of the war like world, legions of parademons and generals of indomitable powers.


In this battle, who will come out on top?

First of all, the art of the comics is very nostalgic, reminiscent of the Kirby era of New Gods. It's choke full with details, and the frames seem like they are stretched out and brimming with content, as befitting a subject matter of such epic proportions.

The characters are drawn in exaggerated motions of action, which convey emotion and intent, and when I compare to some of the recent stuff which Marvel pumps out; bland, boring, formulaic & uninspired, the contrast with the oldies is apparent.


The story itself is quite short, clocking at less than 50 pages. But there is lot of exposition and plot in the first half of the story, that you don't feel it to be too much barebone. The narrative does immediately wind up to the battle between the two titans. Showcasing the strength of each side.
The conclusion of the bout, is a bit unsatisfying, but then again, you shouldn't be expecting much from a crossover fanfare, which is only meant to serve as a novelty.