A review by delphinbella
Fate Forgotten by Amalia Dillin


I'm a little bleary-eyed today, because I stayed up until midnight reading FATE FORGOTTEN. I had to finish it. I had to know what happened! And I'm so glad I did. At the beginning of the novel, even after reading TEMPTING FATE, I was a little sore with Adam for being such an asshole. Eve seems as if she's forgiven him a little quickly, even with the fact that he's been trying to change, but by the end of FATE FORGOTTEN my heart was breaking for him. His progression of character through the entire series, even with the flipping back and forth through time in each chapter, was so perfectly done that I just want to give him a hug and tell him it's going to be ok.

Not that I expect things to be ok. There is a third book I'm waiting on ;) And I seriously cannot wait for it!