A review by nina_rod
Why We Swim by Bonnie Tsui


I was in a reading slump. I’ve noticed I don’t make time for reading in the summer since I feel like it’s a season for doing. Instead I tend to do most of my reading in cooler, darker months that just beg a lamp and cup of tea.

So I was thrilled to find and to finish this gem if a book. And I didn’t want to read it. But I needed something to complete my King County 10 to Try book challenge. The last category I had left was “Sports or about a sports athlete.” But I don’t even like sports! I don’t even like competitive swimming.

I hesitate to say I love to swim, since what I do doesn’t really fit the definition of swimming. I just like to putter in the water. Sometimes swim, sometimes dip, sometimes water aerobics, mostly play, but rarely do I like to do laps. I do love being in and around water tho. However, I also know that the power of water can kill you and with climate change, rising seas will kill us all! So a book about swimming can’t be too bad, eh?

And this book was absolutely wonderful! am obsessed with the story now that I heard about it from this book about the Icelandic fisherman who survived a 6 hour swim to shore in March after his boat sank. I am also obsessed about learning about Nihon Eiho, the Japanese art of swimming. It’s part art, part why?! I was constantly googling stuff to get a visual to what I was reading about.

So this completes my King County 10 to Try challenge. I have never completed a challenge this early in the year! I am usually trying to finish up the challenge before the December deadline, so this year is a pleasant surprise!