A review by lifeand100books
A Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs


A Wolf at the Table, written by Augusten Burroughs is his fifth memoir. His previous memoirs include Running with Scissors, Dry, Magical Thinking, and Possible Side Effects. Each book tells of different periods of his life with A Wolf at the Table focusing on his early childhood living with his depressed mother and homicidal father.

A Wolf at the Table is a memoir solely dedicated to informing the reader of what Augusten’s father was like through the eyes of a 7-8 year old Augusten. Augusten’s father was a university professor by day and brutal drunk by night. His mother’s therapist often said that he was homicidal and the stories in the book shed light on the possibility that he really was.

You can read the rest of my review here: http://lifeand100books.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/76-a-review-of-a-wolf-at-the-table-by-augusten-burroughs/