A review by gabyreadsalot
Hotel for the Lost by Suzanne Young


Hotel For The Lost(or Hotel Ruby if you will) follows the story about this girl named Audrey who finds herself staying at the Hotel Ruby. This intoxicating and creepy hotel comes fully-stocked with handsome love-interests like Elias Lange, invitation-only parties, a creepy past, and a few too many secrets. As she learns more about this interesting hotel she has to make some serious life or decisions(no pun intended)

This book had a lot more depth than I originally thought it would. The whole grieving mother plot-line did not seem like it was only something to move the overlying story arch along, but added a lot of depth to the characters and was done quite realistically. Each of the members of the family grieved differently and it added something more to each of their developed characteristics. At the beginning of the story it felt very overly heavy but as the story progressed I found that important as it was engrained in our brains that many of the actions of the characters were made in a grief-lead mindset rather than clear mindset. The contemporary aspect of this book gave a very unexpected depth to this story and I surprisingly loved it

This book is strange for me to review as my heart is telling me to give it 5/5 stars, but my head is telling me 4/5 stars. This would make me assume that this book would be a guilty pleasure novel, but this book isn’t that enjoyable? Sure it’s fun and creepy and was cool to read, but it took me quite a while to finish and doesn’t stand out to me. I had a few problems with the ending. The plot twist was quite predictable, and from other reviews that I’ve read I’m not the only one who thought that. In this really creepy book that aspect of the novel felt somewhat underwhelming. Audrey also has this huge dilemma in the novel that I still feel conflicted that she didn’t choose the other option(even though it was pretty much end-game that she would choose the path she did). If you look at this one paragraph you’d probs be like “oh, she rated this maybe like a 3,4 stars, but I WANT TO GIVE IT A FIVE. I FEEL SO CONFLICTED.

Anway. Hotel For The Lost was a highly enjoyable story. It’s creepy, fun and though it is not without flaws it’s definitely a book I love and will remember.