A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Primal by K.A. Merikan


When I saw that K.A. Merikan was writing a book for Jag I was so excited. I'd never read about an MC like Jag before so it was sure to be a new experience. From what we learn in book 1 [b:Scum|59584929|Scum (Wrong Side of the Tracks, #1)|K.A. Merikan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1636540570l/59584929._SY75_.jpg|93840619], Jag is basically feral. He was raised in a cult like environment in the middle of the woods where the inhabitants are taught to be completely self sufficient with no relying on anything but themselves and the land around them. It was basically survival of the fittest and to always be prepared for some type of attack.

Jag has left his family behind years ago, but he hasn't let go of his teachings/ beliefs. He lives in a "den" made of scrap and other items he's found around the junk yard that he calls home. He doesn't trust anyone and is paranoid of any visitors to the yard. Even his clothes are fashioned from things he has collected. So when circumstances lead to Jag discovering an injured male in the junk yard, he decides finders keepers still applies. He's been looking for his own mate after seeing how happy Shane is with Ros and this provides him the perfect opportunity. He just has to convince the man he's kidnapped. With his skills and prowess as an alpha, Jag is sure it won't take long.

When Dane wakes up with his own personal Tarzan staring at him he thinks he might be dreaming, or even dead. Unfortunately, he is neither and when Jag informs him he is to leave his life behind and build a life with Jag as his mate he is understandably terrified. Only, as time passes, Dane can see the man behind the alpha attitude. Jag is protective and sweet. He often brings Dane gifts and assures him all the time how he will always be provided for. If he wasn't being held hostage by a wild man, Dane could almost see himself falling for the man. It doesn't help that when things get physical Dane and Jag discover that their unique "tastes" line up perfectly. Oh man, do these two complement each other in that department. Talk about wild.

Though a lot of the plot is focused on the MCs and Dane's time in captivity, I couldn't wait to see what would happen when Shane, Frank, and Dex discover that Jag has been holding a man captive in his Den. It didn't disappoint. Compromise was definitely the major necessity for Dane and Jag to make things work and I really loved how it all turned out in the end.