A review by pavi_fictionalworm
Fighting for What's His by Laura Kaye


Also Posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Disclaimer: An eARC was provided via Inkslinger PR and the Author as part of the Blog Tour. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

An alpha wounded warrior and his best friend's little sister - Laura Kaye, honestly hit every trope that could be my favourite in this newest offering by her. 

Billy Parrish
is an army vet turned PI - who suffers from survivor guilt but is doing his best friend Ryan a favour by letting his sister stay with him since she is new in the city.

Shayna Curtis, on the other hand; is hoping for a new start away from the family she believes blames her for the death of her middle brother. But a new start away as roomies with the man she had a huge crush on since her younger days, isn't ideal but she believes that her crush is long past, so it should be fine now; or so she believes.

What neither of them expected was a charged attraction from the first time they lay eyes on each other.

I loved the easy comrade between Billy and Shayna - how they helped each other through each of their problems and issues; how they became the support system and foundation without them even realizing it. I loved that they became friends; even through their attraction.

The level of angst could have been a lot more intense; considering that Billy is a vet & Shayna is a survivor - some issues that could have been dealt with in a deeper way. I still enjoyed this slow burn romance told in quintessential Laura Kaye manner.

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