A review by thexwalrus
The Retreat by Sarah Pearse

tense medium-paced


sarah pearse is once again SO good at weaving a plot together that doesn't feel super predictable at any point. i didn't nail down exactly whodunnit until about 85% of the way through, and i think that's the perfect pace for a mystery/thriller like this.

it's been a while since i read the sanatorium so i can't do a direct comparison of their plots - however, this feels unique enough on its own that i don't really think i'd have to worry about repetitiveness? the elements that form the foundation of the retreat are all very interesting - land disputes, drug dealing, a terribly abusive old school for boys, a slasher film playing out in real life at a summer camp for teens, family drama that only gets worse as the book goes on.

this was a very fast read, as well. once i started i really didn't wanna put it down, and i finished it in a single afternoon. it's not, like, a popcorn book in that it's turn-off-your-brain-and-vibe, but it has that same energy while also requiring some thought.

all in all, i had a great time with this and i'm excited for pearse's next book!