A review by per_fictionist
A Constellation of Roses by Miranda Asebedo


A Constellation of Stars By MIRANDA ASEBEDO is one of those rare YA contemporaries that managed to leave a mark on me and that too a very special one. The McCabe women have been known for their special abilities be it Mia for her comforting cullinary skills, Auntie for her hand at fortune telling, Amber for a something she rather wish she didn't. But Trix McCabe has the most ridiculous quality among them. TO STEAL.

Trix, after being abandoned by her mother and fighting hard to survive her life, finds herself in a bargain deal of JAIL TIME or BEING WITH HER FOUND FAMILY AND GETTING HERSELF A DEGREE.

A mesmerizing coming of the age story with just a teeny bit of magical realism, A CONSTELLATION OF ROSES is all parts unique, vulnerable and raw. The found family trope is done amazingly well and I found myself scouring for my tissue box a number of times. When she moves to ROCKSAW to be with her lost family, she didn't expect anything more other than considering them to be her route of escape. 

Trix, who has never been cared for, Trix, who has fought tooth and nail to fight for her survival in the world, finds herself being looked after at ROCKSAW and finally realises her worth. I felt empathy for what Trix went through and her cold attitude towards relationships and friends was justifiable. The writer lets us on with flashbacks from Trix's life that makes us understand why she did what she did and how she reacted in a certain way. Another favorite was Amber, and I couldn't even begin to comprehend the amount of guilt and suffocation she has felt all through out her life because of her special ability.

ALL IN ALL, I ABSOLUTELY ADORED A CONSTELLATION OF ROSES for it's captivating writing( I FINISHED IT IN ONE SITTING), relatable characters and plot.