A review by closteroven
The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King


(8/10)- A story within a story within a story. Wow. I loved all three of them, too. The Tim part was incredible, for the most part, except for Kells’ motivations, which were slightly unclear (other than because Crimson King). It was also a little out there, a little over the top, but it still worked. The Debaria part was also pretty good, even if it ended pretty simply and not much out of the ordinary happened for all that it was hyped up to be. Still really liked it. The current ka-tet part was also good, albeit short, but what bugged me was that the characters that I love seemed a bit stiff and formal, not really like how they usually are. But I still love love love this series and this book lived up to my expectations, so I’m happy.