A review by trin
Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik


The fourth in the [b: Temeraire|14069|Throne of Jade (Temeraire, #2)|Naomi Novik|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1393810908s/14069.jpg|2213322] series, and the one I've enjoyed the most since the introductory book. Which is to say, a lot. This one felt more tightly structured than the last, with the disease plot as a brilliantly chosen and terrifying centerpiece. I've never had a dragon, obviously, but the idea of losing one made me ache almost as much as the thought of losing one's daemon in His Dark Materials. The African setting really came alive; I love how we're getting to see how different cultures around the world have responded and adapted to dragons. And the ending...damn. Like a slap, that was—and a higher compliment than that I have difficulty conceiving. ;-)

If you're not reading this series, you really should be; I can't wait for the next book. And if you haven't been reading it, just think how lucky you are: you now have four wonderful novels to tide you over until the next one comes out. I'm envious!

I also have to add that I really enjoy the fact that, due to the wonders of the alphabet and the particular books I happen to have in my collection, [a: Naomi Novik|8730|Naomi Novik|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1206646770p2/8730.jpg] ends up shelved right next to [a: Patrick O'Brian|5600|Patrick O'Brian|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1212630063p2/5600.jpg]. It was meant to be! Though I better be careful not to buy any, say, [a: Joyce Carol Oates|3524|Joyce Carol Oates|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1454307466p2/3524.jpg]. Don't you try anything, Joyce!