A review by therearenobadbooks
I Am Rome by Santiago Posteguillo



I am Rome is a fabulous well written historical fiction set in Ancient Rome one of my top favorite sets for this kind of novel. 

The structure and format are clever with short chapters or sometimes scene breaks, different points of view, and flashbacks that balance the trial (in the novel's present time) with Caesar's childhood. It adds information on the characters and historical events (battles, betrayals, arranged marriages, or even murders) that justify and explain how young Caesar is prosecuting one of the cruelest, dishonorable, and corrupt senators putting justice for Rome above the safety of his life of his family. 

Focused on show-not-tell the author gives us detailed insight into many aspects of Caeser's life but also goes to the length of proving a point by describing an entire battle in detail just to let us know (for example) why Marius advises his young nephew never to enter a battle he can't win. 

These 600-and-something pages display a profound knowledge of the culture and historical events the fiction helps not making it a dull textbook. At the same time it has a very modern feeling and fighting corrupt politicians who silence witnesses with death or threats is still very relatable (unfortunately) to our times. 

Caesar and Cornelia are my favorite characters and I loved their relationship. Everyone expects the young Caesar twenty-three years old to fail but he will accept to face this senator in trial with honor and powerful tools: knowledge and intelligence.

This will remain one of my favorite historical novels for a long time. 

Thank you Netgalley and Publisher for this e-ARC.