A review by nancyboy56
Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay


honestly i thought i was going to like this one way more. i really like roxane gay she seems like a super cool person. i didnt realise how many of the essays were just about her opinions on media and a lot of media ive never heard of? perhaps they were way more popular at the time? even on googling some of the books they didnt seem that popular, which is fine, however, i felt that a lot of essays didnt work when you didnt know what she was talking about.

perhaps this is a bit controversial, however, i dont think roxane gay is that great of a writer (sorry besties) at least in this work her sentences felt oddly simple and/or short. i didnt like the flow of her words at all. perhaps it didnt work with my brain as many people seem to love this book but i really didnt enjoy reading it on the level of craft. the essays almost felt like blog posts? idk

the content of some of the essays i really did think were brilliant when i looked passed the writing and loved what she was saying. though when i did know the media she was talking about those essays were far more enjoyable.

honestly i just dont feel i like this essay collection overall? it was kind of forgettable? idk its like i between a 2 and 3 for me unfortunately :/ i am literally unsure if i liked this one or not its like a 2.5 if goodreads had half stars