A review by teresab78
Dancer of Death by Jordan L. Hawk


****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance®****

4.75 Stars -

I love this series and didn’t want Dancer of Death to end – or more, I don’t want to let these characters go! I need the next book now!!

I love how Gray and Caleb are delineated and you can see they are two different beings in the same body. I love how John treats them as such. You can tell all three are in this relationship together. The only things I missed from this installment were more overall relationship time and a love scene from Caleb and Gray’s perspective. I like seeing it from the perspective of three rather than just two.

The mystery was great and in keeping with the tone of the series. Anyone who has read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire will recognize the name “Vila” and have a preconceived notion of the demon. This is not the very pretty, man enthralling creature from that children’s book though. This vila is altogether more sinister and dangerous.

Fans of the series won’t be disappointed. If you are new, start at the beginning with Hunter of Demons, Book 1 in the first Spectr series. Enjoy!

Prism Book Alliance®