A review by aslowreader
The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity by Nadine Burke Harris

Did not finish book.
technically DNF'd this one - i had to return my library copy with like 1/2 a chapter left.. and i thought all year long i'd maybe come back to it, but honestly, this book was full of information i kind of already knew, though maybe not in so many terms. as an adult with C-PTSD as a result of childhood trauma/risk factors, i was recommended this book by my therapist as part of my treatment, but felt that the book's focus was more on prevention for children than it was for treatment for adults, so i guess i was disappointed a little bit due to how this book was pitched to me versus what it actually is about. still definitely recommend, as it has a lot of good information, especially for people with kids or who are thinking of having kids, or people who are interested in the long-term psychological effects of childhood stress. maybe one day i'll actually come back and read the last bit of this book lol