A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
An Echo in the Sorrow by Hailey Turner


Things sure are ramping up as we get closer and closer to the conclusion of the Soulbound series. I don't think Patrick and Jono had much more than a one chapter of breathing room before the next chapter brought them fighting something or hearing bad news from some god or another. There was never a dull moment and plenty of surprises and twists that kept me glued to my kindle.

Wade was present as always and he is still a much loved favorite eating everything in sight. I think Patrick and Jono would be smart getting stock in pop tarts for the future. One particular moment that had me laughing out loud while reading is while Wade was in a church and complaining that all they had for food in the back were dry crackers! Leave it to Wade to devour an entire bowl of blessed Christian bread and have no idea what it was.

This book was another winner for Hailey Turner, but based on the previous books in the series I didn't expect any less. Book six was very plot heavy as we are nearing the end with the conclusion of the series in book seven. Several loose ends are tied up so to speak, while many more remain untethered. I have no idea if we are in for a happy ending or not, but I sure hope so because after everything Patrick and Jono have survived no one deserves one more.

** An ARC of this book was provided by GRR in exchange for an honest and unbiased review **