A review by pause_theframe
Ghost by Carole Cummings


This was a very enjoyable book. I was wondering, after having a look at some of the reviews, if it was for me, but I am a fan of books that make sure that you are given enough detail to really get you absorbed in the story, but still leave you guessing and thinking about what is happening in the book. This soon became the exact reason why I loved this book.
I found that the author gave us loads of detail about both the characters, their thoughts, emotions, personality and fears, as well as building us the world around them, with details, from the large to the small, making the world very real. I enjoyed having everything at hand to feel as though I knew and was really a part of the world and the story.
I also found the characters intriguing. They were involved in a fair amount of dialogue, but this was essential to build up the intricate struggles that were taking place. We were also given the opportunity to really see inside the minds and emotions of the characters, almost making me feel as though I not only knew them, but was close to them, I was a part of their lives and the story.
Overall, I enjoyed the story. I found it was unique and interesting. I liked the fantasy and paranormal take on the story and am looking forward to reading the next instalment of the series.