A review by donttakemybooks
Drop Shot by Harlan Coben


This series is addicting and the books are paced so well. I get to the last five chapters and can absolutely not put them down, needing to see all the ends tied up. Ok, so this gets a half star less than the first book, but only because I guessed a large portion of the mystery and that takes away some of the fun of reading a mystery. I didn't guess everything, but I knew what Duane was hiding for a good long while before it was revealed and was kinda annoyed that Myron came very close to guessing the answer and had to do a lot more talking to people before the possibility occurred to him. Anyways, Myron's humor is always enjoyable and I liked that we saw some tension between him and Win regarding Win's use of violence. Win is convenient to have around, but Myron is not as loose with his moral code and I'm interested to see if/how this relationship changes during the series. I should maybe slow my roll and not immediately read the next 5 (still have 12 days left on my checkout of the 7 book bundle), but I am a series binger, so probably safe to say book #3 will be what I start next.