A review by briandice
He by Jon Konrath


So yesterday I was sitting in a coffee shop here in San Francisco waiting for a client to arrive for a meeting, cheek by jowl to a table of twenty somethings jabbering in their Norcal vocal lilt where every sentence ends in a question - I’m reading He by Konrath, loving his zany and hilarious mashed up musings on American culture’s death spiral and having a hard time concentrating because these two are talking THIS FUCKING LOUD about absolutely nothing – regurgitating HBO original series plots, favorite lines from current sitcoms, hashing through current events and not even really speaking to each other, they’re just loudspeakers of nadir talking at increasingly higher volume until they’ve run out of things to say, grab their respective phones, and swipe for more content to vomit. In the thirty second interlude before they started back up I was able to find Konrath’s thread again, and when they began their next round of banalities the sound was like the Greek chorus to everything Konrath.