A review by cutenanya
Murder in the Mystery Suite by Ellery Adams


Story: 3
Characters: 3.5
World-building: 3.5
Romance: 2.5
Overall: 3

The premise of this book is cool, the heroine holding a mystery festival in a hotel and inviting mystery fans to solve puzzles and mysteries, only to find a real mystery waiting to be solved.

I have two "problems" with this book:
1) The "additional plot", which I find a little absurd and distract the author from creating a complex mystery. I think cozy mystery writers are all trying to find new formulas that will help them out compete others in the highly competitive arena of cozy mysteries and Miss Adams hopes that by introducing this extra element, not only can she add flavor to an otherwise ordinary mystery, but also to pave way for future books in the series. I would have no problem with this extra element had she crafted the novel better, but the ending is a bit too convenient for my taste and over dramatic.

2) The romance is only budding and I would really like to see it taking flight in the next novel. HOWEVER, based on the description of the new character (who would only make an appearance in the next book), I am afraid the author is heading in the direction of a love triangle. I SINCERELY HOPE I am proven wrong but I HATE love triangles, detest them even, and I plead the author to not play that trick or I would not bother myself with the next entry in this series.