A review by aldoregan
Illuminae by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman


second read: august 4, 2018

this book really fucked me up so bad The Audacitydjfj

first read: january 4, 2016

This book deserves all the stars in the galaxy. And more.

"Part of being alive is having life change us. The people around us, the events we live through, all of them shape us."

(I'm so sorry if this review has many swear words on it. I literally just finished Illuminae so my emotions are basically all over the place... in a good way. Again, I'm so sorry.)

This sonofabitch played with my fucking feelings then left me sobbing on the goddamn floor!!!!

I think the last time I literally sobbed because of a book was when I read Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (which was some time in June 2015). And now here I am again. Sobbing non stop and trying not to scream profanities as I've finished Illuminae. Actually, now that I think about it, this is the first time I've cried SO SO MUCH because of a book.

I did not expect this would fucking happen to me.

The writing style was a different one. Unique, definitely. And very smartly written. It's impressive how they wrote this book. Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff deserve a big hand. Seriously. *slow claps* At first I had to adjust to the writing style because it was veryyy different from the books I've recently read. But really, it's so impossible not to get into this book. You can easily get sucked into the story. One minute I was doubting I'd love this book then the next thing I know I'm motherfucking loving it.

"You deserve every star in the galaxy laid out at your feet and a thousand diamonds in your hair. You deserve someone who'll run with you as far and as fast as you want to. Holding your hand, not holding you back. You deserve more than I could ever give you, Kady. But I'll give you everything I can if you still want me to."

Illuminae has it all. It's funny, romantic, cute, and very VERY intense. When shit started happening, SHIT REALLY STARTED HAPPENING. I read those parts panting and frightened, as if I was experiencing it myself. I felt so nervous and so scared for the characters.

This book is fucking brilliant and, like a bastard, played with my fucking emotions like they were toys. And when I say THAT, it means YOU (yes you!!! reading this) should pick up this motherfucker and let it mess with your feelings. Because a great and amazing book will always do that to a reader.

"The universe owes you nothing, Kady. It has already given you everything, after all. It was here long before you, and it will go on long after you. The only way it will remember you is if you do something worthy of remembrance."

Is it way too early for me to consider this as the best book I've read this year? Yes?