A review by chickadilly
Bad Witch Burning by Jessica Lewis


3.5 stars. This was well written, engaging, and ... very depressing. It's about someone who has the power to resurrect the dead and I wish it had focused a bit more on the 'fantastical' of it, though to be fair the fact she has this power reverberates through the whole story.

The real horror of the story is not what happens with the dead people she brings back but with the abuse she suffers at home. Her mother is neglectful and her mother's boyfriend beats her, kills her dog, and they both (the mother and boyfriend) blame her for their actions. It's a hard read and had I known it would be a huge factor in this story I probably wouldn't have read it as I'm not really in the right headspace.

But the story kept me reading because I wanted to know how it all ended. All in all I'm glad I read it but I wish it had come with some sort of trigger warning because a few of the scenes really got to me for personal reasons.