A review by alissabar
The Great War: Stories Inspired by Items from the First World War by David Almond


This is a book of short stories I listened to as an audio book. I really liked hearing the different narrators for the different stories. After each story the listener is told about the item that inspired the story. I felt a little cheated that I couldn't see the item, so I tracked down a copy at the library just to see the pictures. There are actual pictures of the items, but the book is beautifully illustrated by Jim Kay as well. I have found with collections of short stories some stand out from the rest, and this book was no different. "When They Were Needed Most" and "Each Slow Dusk" were probably two of my favorite.

2018 Popsugar Reading Challenge: #44 A book tied to your ancestry (I have a grandfather that served in the army during World War I)