A review by sassysmutlover
A Raging Madness by Jude Knight


*I received a via the author in exchange for my honest review.

This one had me glued to it from the start! There is a mystery from the start with why her in-laws hate her so much and why they are doing what they are doing to her. It was clear from the start that they were a perfect match, but so many things were keeping them apart. I kept hoping that they wouldn't be ripped apart. I figured out parts, but still got hit with others and loved it. There are so many details that I loved and once it ended I didn't want it to be over. This is one that you take your time reading for good reasons.

Ella wasn't going to go down without a fight. I loved her spirit from the start because with everything she had been through she kept her head up. She was a fighter and slowly realized that she a lady even without a title and money. You just love her instantly.

Alex has always cared about and loved Ella. I loved him from the start because he didn't let his injury get in his way and knew he had to help her. He was a bit surprising at times, but those surprises make you love him more from how he talks about horses and why he won't breed for the army to the story he told about the lessons his brothers taught him.

I highly recommend this book.