A review by kylielovesbooks
Goblin King by Kara Barbieri


3.5 stars
So I liked this book a little bit more than the first one, but it still didn't really grab my attention. I enjoyed getting to know the characters more, but still didn't feel super connected to them. I liked Jenneke and Soren's growing relationship and how neither of them were perfect, but they managed to work through their issues.
The pacing was a little bit slow at points, but there were some good action scenes too. The second half was more exciting and memorable than the first half.
There were a few things that were a little confusing, we had a lot of flashbacks and if you weren't paying close attention (to the audiobook), it was a little hard to remember where in time we were at times. Jenneke's stag powers I feel like could have been more extended upon and explained more.
There was really nothing I can point to that I disliked exactly, so if you are looking for a darker fantasy with goblins, give this duology a try!