A review by cdjdhj
Rising Strong by Brené Brown


How we get back up and go on after we fall is the subject of PhD and Shame Researcher Brene Brown's book Rising Strong. Brene Brown's relatable stories and experiences of those who "Dared Greatly" and failed (as we all have) is humbling, funny, insightful, educational and ultimately inspirational. I listened to the audiobook, read by the author, who brings her own research, humor, passion and perspective to the text. Living a brave and wholehearted life is not always easy and the process of getting back up and trying again after we fall and fail is some of the most important work that we as humans ever do. This book tells us how rise strong and empowers all who read to be a little more courageous, daring and brave in how we live, love, parent and lead. Excellent book. Not boring. Interesting, easy to read and learn from. Highly recommended.